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The EQUATION Church (Home of UTH) app is HERE!!!!

Here are just a few features:
  1. Online Giving
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  4. Calendar of Events (save to their calendar)
  5. Prayer Wall
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God’s Presence: The essential and mandatory component of our services. Without it, we are nothing; within it we find everything. His presence is what heals us, comforts us, guides us and breathes new life into our souls.

Authentic Relationships: We believe that life change does not happen in the context of weekend or Sunday services alone, but by the experience of real and authentic relationships. Therefore, we value relationship as one of the highest priorities in life and believe in actively showing love by walking through life with people.

Creativity: From the beginning of time, God has used creativity to move his people to their divine destiny. It is our desire to teach and value creativity within our families to nurture cutting edge ideas for ministry.

The Next Generation: We are dedicated to reaching millennials and the next generation and equipping them to be life changing trendsetters. A generation that will transform the love of Christ making an internal impact in the world.

Excellence: God is worthy of our best. Our time, talents and treasures – all belong to him. We serve with excellence and strive to go beyond and above.

Relevance: Cultural awareness increases opportunity to connect with people. When we invite God and the power of His Word into the equations of the people, then daily, we will help people change their lives.

Outreach: We live in a world desperately needing God’s church and the body of Christ to step up and fulfill its rightful place in the community. Offer truth and hope. We exist not to just share the Gospel, but to also love and see lives changed in our homes, on our jobs and in our local and global community. This is accomplished through practical ministry that meets people’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

Diversity: We believe that the church here on earth should look like heaven. People of diverse social, economic and ethnic backgrounds were all created by God, matter to him and matter to us.

Teamwork: We do life together. As we work side by side, we share in the joy of seeing our unique strengths, abilities and gifts unite to accomplish God’s kingdom in our community and across the world. We create leaders to create leaders.

Our Opportunity

EQUATION CHURCH will be a place in Greensboro where people can find authentic relationships, compelling worship, and the life giving message of Jesus Christ. We will create an environment where people can come just as they are and find acceptance and experience true life change in the power of God’s presence.

Greensboro, NC has a 6.1 percent growth rate – presenting us a great opportunity to connect with statistically the 50% who will be looking for a church and the 50% who haven’t even considered a church. With a large and growing business and residential population this is an ideal place for a new move of God. This is absolutely a great mission field. With a large and diverse ethnic background, we will not only be able to reach those locally but through this community we will also have the opportunity to reach out around the world. One of the greatest needs that this community is starving for is relationship. We know there is no greater relationship, no greater equation, than the one with Jesus Christ. It is the desire of EQUATION CHURCH to be a place that can foster and cultivate true relationships with one another and find Jesus through our community of faith.

Our Mission

The mission of EQUATION CHURCH, Home of United True Holiness is


Reach – And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. Luke 14:23

Renew – “….but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. John 4:14

Revive – Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19

Our Vision

The Vision of EQUATION CHURCH, Home of United True Holiness is to introduce the problem solver as  the answer to anyone’s equation.  We are a church that lives by faith, loves people and build disciples everywhere we go.

Our desire is to reach the lost, unchurched, untouched and unloved.  We will love each other by serving one another in the community, our church, and around the globe.

EQUATION CHURCH will unite people of diverse social, economic and ethnic backgrounds and unite them in Kingdom Love – by way of the “uncompromised” preaching and teaching of the Word of God.

EQUATION CHURCH will endeavor to lead families with and to the love of God. We will lead the lost to God, our congregation further in God, and our communities for God. We will lead with integrity and righteousness because we are led by His Spirit.  (John 5:1-4; 2 Corinthians 2:14-16; Luke 24:47; Mark 16:15)